Basking in the Glow!
Well, we’ve come to the end of another joyful, inspiring, successful FARM gathering and before we get back to our own individual realities, I wanted to send a quick message expressing my deepest gratitude to ALL those who helped make it happen; our sponsors, volunteers, committee leads, workshop presenters & panelists & mentors, showcase judges, private showcase hosts, all our DJs, the sound and visual crew; the FARM board of directors, and most especially all of you who shared your hearts, your gifts and mutual love for this diversely awesome music we call “folk” and the people who create, present, broadcast and support it.
I promise to follow up in a few days with a more robust post conference gratitude rant, as well as important information about the post conference survey.
In the meantime, my inbox is always open to you for your suggestions, comments, concerns or questions.
Please know that every single one of you contributed to the magic this past weekend and we sincerely hope you enjoyed your time at your 2019 FARM gathering.
Your fan,
Annie Capps