Jan 2, 2017 | Conference Updates
The FARM Board of Directors introduced proposed by-law changes during the annual membership meeting which was held during the 2016 FARM Conference. The FARM membership must approve all by-law changes and on November 30th a referendum was emailed to them for their...
Nov 18, 2016 | Conference Updates
To all FARM members, be watching your email on or about December 1st for the ballot on the referendum to revise FARM’s bylaws.The FARM Board of Directors is seeking your approval on changes to the FARM bylaws. A summary of changes include: Addition of Canadian...
Nov 4, 2016 | Conference Updates, General News Updates
The results of the FARM Board of Director’s election were announced at the annual membership meeting on Sunday, October 30th. FARM’s annual membership meeting was held during the FARM conference in Iowa City. For the first time in our memory FARM had a contested...