Attention FARM members! Do you, or someone you know, want to be more involved in leading and setting the strategic direction of Folk Alliance Region Midwest? Your FARM Board of Directors is asking YOU to suggest people that might want to run for election to the FARM Board. We are always on the lookout for energetic people that want to work hard to lead and improve FARM.
FARM Board members take an active role in planning the conference, participate in undraising, and take on other projects throughout the year. The FARM Board meets during the FARM Conference, conducts one in-person Board meeting per year, and holds conference calls about once a month.
Between now and July 15, FARM is open to suggestions for potential Board members. Email us at with your thoughts. Your FARM Board will consider all submitted ideas.
On July 30, the FARM Board will, based on these submitted suggestions and their own discussions, nominate a slate of candidates for the three board seats that are open and up for election in 2019.
During the month of August, all FARM members are able and encouraged to nominate additional candidates (including themselves) to run for election, in addition to the Board nominated candidates. Nomination forms will
be posted and made available at that time.
Voting will take place from about September 24 to October 20 with all FARM members eligible to vote and receiving an email ballot. A person or organization is a FARM member if they
are a paid up member of Folk Alliance International, and either live in the FARM territory or have declared to FAI that they want their regional membership to be assigned to FARM.
Your three new Board members will be announced at the FARM conference.