Connect with FARM
Sign Up for the FARM Newsletter
When you join the email list by filling in the form below, you will receive FARM Newsletters. The newsletter is sent occasionally (more often in the months leading up to the conference) to inform everyone of FARM happenings throughout the year. We appreciate as much information as you want to give us, but all we require is your email address. Make sure to select a Role or Roles so you’ll be sure not to miss any updates meant specifically for that particular group.
Sign up for the FARM listserve
There is a second means to stay connected with the FARM community – join the FARM listserve. The FARM listserve is separate from our mailing list. It can be used by members to communicate with other members and stay informed before during and after the conference. Typically members will communicate just before the conference for things such as setting up ride shares, looking for roommates, soliciting private showcase spots, etc.).
For general inquires email. Email info@farmfolk.org.
For conference-related inquiries Email conference@farmfolk.org
If you must send us something via snail mail, the address is:
Folk Alliance Region Midwest
PO Box 22
Remus, MI 49340