FARM is proud to introduce a new initiative developed in response to the pandemic and our ensuing necessary decision to post-pone our last year in Grand Rapids, MI to 2021. What started as a need to connect with members of our community via Peer group meetings for Artists and Venues, has evolved into weekly Tech Talks, periodic webinars with special guest panelists and great conversations. If you haven’t had a chance to check out what we’ve been up to with Virtual Connections, just hop on over to the website here: https://farmvirtualconnections.org
There you’ll find information about upcoming events, view recordings of our past events, and learn how to help either by sponsoring an event or suggesting a webinar topic. Just like we do at our conference, we rely on the knowledge and generosity of our community who have the desire and ability to teach and share their expertise with others. We’re doing this for you, so we’d love to hear what you want want to learn about.