Unique to FARM, Performance Lane offers 10-minute showcase sets on Friday and Saturday afternoons open to all registrants and available on a first-come, first-served basis, in order of registration. After you register, you will get an invitation to sign up.

The link to the Performance Lane sign-up is provided via the link on the Registration Thank You page and your Registration Confirmation Email. You MUST be registered before you sign up. Any PL sign-ups received before registration has been confirmed will be ineligible.

It’s a lot of fun for attendees to roam between rooms trying to catch a little bit of every performer.

Please note that preference will be given to those who have not showcased as part of Performance Lane at the 2023 and 2022 in-person conferences.

STEP 1. Register for the conference.

STEP 2. Complete the Performance Lane Sign Up form. (available via the link on the Registration Thank You page and Your Registration Confirmation Email.)

Requests for these slots are filled in the order* (see below) received up to the maximum number of participants we can accommodate, so REGISTER AS EARLY AS YOU CAN if you want a Performance Lane spot.

Please elect ONE member of your band to sign up for Performance Lane on behalf of the band. Due to the limited number of slots, we ask that you choose between performing with your band or performing solo. We do recognize that there is a difference between backing up an artist and being a member of a duo or band. If you are at FARM in both capacities, we will allow you to appear in multiple PL slots as a back up artist as well as [replace “your own” with one] featured slot as a band/duo member. For example, if Joe Singer wants you to back him up on mandolin, and Terrific Duo also wants you to add mandolin, but you are not regularly performing with either one, these appearances would not count as your one PL slot. However, if you are a member of Folk Band Extraordinaire as well as a solo performer, you will need to choose one or the other. Thanks for your cooperation.

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