News & Updates
Message from FARM Board President, Charlie Mosbrook
It was my birthday, February 11. Dave Humphreys dropped me off at the Downers Grove Metra station to make my way back to union station and then home to Cleveland. We had spent the past 3 days planning the next conference in Grand Rapids and exploring potential future...
Virtual Connections Update
Big Plans for the week of October 19 - 24!Private Showcasing Oct 19, 20 & 21 FARM has made the last minute decision to allow a limited number of showcases, presented by a limited number of hosts in the model of our Private Showcases. These are NOT official...
In Memory of Michael Peter Smith
September 7, 1941 – August 3, 2020 There was, and never will be anyone like Michael P. Smith. Beloved by all who knew him, for the gift of his music or his gentle kind soul, he will be deeply missed by this community. We asked Mark Dvorak, long time friend and music...
Now See Hear – Virtual Exhibit
In the community of FARM we have a number of talented singer-songwriters, and musicians, who are also wonderful visual artists. A number of them shared their work with us at last years’ successful "NOW, SEE, HEAR" exhibit, in Grand Rapids, during the 2019 FARM...
Open Call for Nominations!
Every year at our annual conference we elect (or re-elect) members of our community to serve on the FARM Board of Directors. The number of open slots, depends on the term limits of existing Board Members. This year, we have 3 openings on the board. Our fearless...
FARM Virtual Connections
FARM is proud to introduce a new initiative developed in response to the pandemic and our ensuing necessary decision to post-pone our last year in Grand Rapids, MI to 2021. What started as a need to connect with members of our community via Peer group meetings for...
After much deliberation and consideration the FARM Board has made the difficult decision to postpone our 2020 annual gathering until October 27 – 31, 2021 (Note that this is one week later than our currently scheduled 2021 conference.) We’re grateful that our host...
At FARM we're always looking for ways to continue to serve our Midwest (and beyond) folk community. This time of social distancing has sparked a new era of virtual connectivity. Online classes, concerts, social gatherings, celebrations and basically anything we used...
Getting good sound on Zoom
A sound overview by Annie Capps. DISCLAIMER: I'm not an expert. Just sharing what worked for us and seems to be working for others. Results may vary and I welcome anyone offering their own experiences and insight.
Official Showcase Submissions are Open!
It's time! Send us your best live video performances for a chance to perform in our 2020 Official Showcases. Each year, we present 14 artists who showcase on our main stage on Friday and Saturday evenings. Artists submissions are reviewed by a jury of peers, venues,...
New Folk Alliance Resource Page
In the midst of this tenuous and unnerving COVID-19 panemic, our parent organization, Folk Alliance International, has created an excellent resource page. We took the liberty of pasting their words below along with a link to the full page with resources. "As the world...
A Very Sad Farewell
Doug Adams December 5, 1952 – March 10, 2020 written by Stephanie Cofell That dash. That dash is a lifetime. What did Doug do with his dash? He created pure joy. A native of Cincinnati, Ohio...Husband, father, Senior Minister, Reverend, and folk singer who was greatly...
Submit your Workshop/Panel Proposal
Are you an expert on a specific topic that you feel is relevant to the FARM community? Is there a topic you'd like to see covered that we've neglected? Was there a particular workshop you attended last year that you'd like to see again? Is there a particular speaker...
FARM Announces 2020 Keynote Speaker!
FARM is so thrilled to announce our Keynote Address for 2020 will be given by the one and only master instrumentalist, storyteller, singer-songwriter, activist and author - JOHN McCUTCHEON John McCutcheon folk music's renaissance man — master instrumentalist, powerful...
Basking in the Glow
Basking in the Glow! Well, we’ve come to the end of another joyful, inspiring, successful FARM gathering and before we get back to our own individual realities, I wanted to send a quick message expressing my deepest gratitude to ALL those who helped make it happen;...
Last chance to…
… pre-order breakfast at reduced rate
Pre-Order Your 2019 T Shirts
Our 2019 FARM T-Shirts are now available for Pre-Order! Reserve yours now to assure we have your preferred size and style in stock at the conference. Pre-orders will be delivered at the conference or shipped immediately following the conference. Don't miss out cause...
Special Pre-FARM Concert and Open Mic
Pre-FARM Showcase Concert and Open Mic Wednesday, Oct 23 Open Mic Sign up at 6:00pm* Doors and Open Mic begins at 6:30p Main Concert starts at 8:00p Listening Room at Studio Park 123 Ionia Ave. SW Grand Rapids, MI 49503 * Open Mic Performers are chosen by lottery...
Spotlight on the AV Crew 2019
Maurice Smeets - Sound Tech We can’t remember a FARM conference where Maurice was not at the sound board. His partners in crime have varied over the years but most recently he’s been assisted by the lovely Karen Jensen who will be joining him again this year along...
DJ Showcase Artists 2019
We are super happy to announce this year's DJs and their artist selections for this popular showcase that takes place on Thursday Night, Oct 24 8pm. Thanks so much to Rich Warren for organizing the showcase again! Schedule TBA. Folkapotamus presented by Wanda Fischer,...