Private Showcases
2024 Private Showcase Hosts (click here)
Here is the list of this year’s Private Showcase hosts. Performers are free to contact hosts directly to inquire about showcase slots, keeping in mind that every artist is limited to 3 showcases, including Folk DJ and Official Showcases. Performance Lane does not count towards this limit. Private Showcase hosts will submit their lineups on August 12. Please remember that all artists are limited to 3 showcases at the 2024 Conference.
Adventures in Americana (Thurs/Fri)
Pine / John Trudell Room
Contact: Carol Roth, info@adventuresinamericana.com
Adventures in Americana presents a lineup of mostly indie/emerging Midwest Americana artists (with room for other delightful acts) in a combination of solo and in-the-round sets.
Camp Kerrville (Fri/Sat)
Redwood / Lydia Mendoza Room
Contact: Andy Baker, andybakermusic@gmail.com
Spotlighting solo and duo original acts in 20 minute intervals…sponsored by the Kerrville Folk Festival.
Emerging Roots (Sat)
Cypress / Richie Havens Room
Contact: Scott Atkinson (Cigar Box Scott), info@cigarboxscott.com
New and old, familiar and unique, contemporary and traditional; Emerging Roots will display a wide variety of music from undiscovered artists pushing folk music forward.
EFS Publicity (Sat)
Pine / John Trudell Room
Contact: Ellen Stanley, efspublicity@gmail.com
Presenting intentional pairings of the finest folk/Americana artists in song swap format.
First Timers Room (Thurs/Fri/Sat)
Oak / Shirley Childress Saxton Room
Contact: Smitty Smith, info@farmfolk.org
Presenting musicians who are attending FARM for the first time.
Folknet and NEOMA (Fri/Sat)
Aspen / Charley Patton Room
Contact: Charlie Mosbrook, president@folknet.org
Songs of Northeast Ohio.
HooMac – FARMette 2025 (Fri/Sat)
Conference III / Muddy Waters Room
Contact: Jennifer Blankenship, hoosieroriginalmusic@gmail.com
Hoosier original music and traditional artists.
Jenny & Robin’s Room (Thurs/Fri)
Cypress / Richie Havens Room
Contact: Jenny and Robin Bienemann, info@jennybienemann.com
From hilarious to heartfelt, profound to profane, silly to sublime and BACK AGAIN, Jenny & Robin’s room hosts artists from across the US with a special focus on those who have participated in Jenny’s Haiku Milieu project.
On the Tracks Songwriter Showcase (Thurs/Fri)
Walnut / Elizabeth Cotten Room
Contact: Annie Capps, anniecapps@gmail.com
All about the songs.
Outliers (Thurs)
Conference III / Muddy Waters Room
Contact: Bart Moore, nolanblin@gmail.com
This showcase will endeavor to feature music and performers that bend and twist the folk and acoustic genre; looking for out-of-the-ordinary.
Singing for Change (Sat)
Walnut / Elizabeth Cotten Room
Contact: Sue Horowitz, srrhorowitz@gmail.com
Inspire us with social justice songs that reflect on topics that you are passionate about such as racial equality, LGBTQ+ rights, environmental sustainability, bodily autonomy and economic disparity.
Songs From Downstairs (Thurs)
Aspen / Charley Patton Room
Contact: Rod Abernethy, rodabernethy@gmail.com
Hosted by award winning folk artist Rod Abernethy and featuring some of FARM’s most popular Folk-Americana singer/songwriters.
The Daydream Room (Fri/Sat)
Conference IV / Mildred Bailey Room
Contact: The Greensboro Sound Artist Co-op, ljvmusic@gmail.com
Join our writer rounds hosted by award winning southeast songwriters, plus each performer will have the opportunity to get a high quality personal video with mixed audio for a small fee.
The Traditional Room (Thurs/Fri/Sat)
Conference II / Joe Thompson Room
Contact: Joan Hellmann, hellmann@umich.edu
Featuring traditional music.
Trinity House/KSC (Thurs)
Redwood / Lydia Mendoza Room
Contact: Angela Ward, abbondi1155@hotmail.com
Trinity House/KSC will present diverse performances from our singer-songwriter Folk community.
Uncorked (Thurs/Fri/Sat)
Conference I / Yvonne Staples Room
Contact: Loretta Sawyer, writelor@aol.com
Uncorked is open to all…come and “uncork” your talent!
Zoom Tribe (Thurs)
Conference IV / Mildred Bailey Room
Contact: Jim Gary, zoomtribe@yahoo.com
Zoom Tribe is a group of Chicagoland musicians/songwriters who started zooming during covid and are still at it!
Private Showcases are always exciting spaces for performing and listening from 10:30 PM to 2:30 AM each night of the conference (Thur, Fri & Sat)!
Our goal is to make sure everyone who wants to perform has at least one opportunity. To that end, we ask performers and bands to limit themselves to 3 showcases (this includes Official Showcases, DJ Showcases, and all Private Showcases; however, it does not include Performance Lane). We also ask Private Showcase hosts to help by not booking artists who already have 3 showcases.
Important Dates:
June 3: Private Showcase applications period opens
July 1: Deadline to apply to be a Private Showcase Host
July 15: Private Showcase Hosts are announced; Hosts may begin booking
July 30: Deadline for hosts to pay for showcase room ($75/night) and register for conference
Aug 26: Deadline for hosts to submit final lineup to be included in printed program
More Private Showcase Info
We’ve done our best to anticipate your questions, so please read through the following information carefully. For remaining questions, contact J
Interested in hosting a Private Showcase Room?
As in previous years, we expect more people will be interested in hosting a Private Showcase than we can accommodate. We want to offer performers a wide range of opportunities without spreading the audience too thin. Depending on the number of applications, we may not be able to give you a room to host, although we greatly appreciate your enthusiasm. Even if you have hosted a Private Showcase in the past, please do not assume that you will be able to host this year, and please do not offer a slot to a performer unless you have been confirmed as a host.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
We will again have a Private Showcase room reserved for first time attendees (1st timers). If this is your first time registering for FARM, you are eligible! The 1st Timer room will feature a series of 30 minute In The Round performances, each consisting of three 1st time attendees. Spots in this room will be assigned based your request with priority based on REGISTRATION ORDER.
Email our First Timer Room Coordinator of your interests, and tell him any date / time preferences to help him schedule you.
Private Showcase Info & Etiquette
We want to thank all of our hosts for hosting. Private Showcases take place from 10:30 PM to 2:30 AM Thursday, Friday & Saturday night time (which is more accurately Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning but for our purposes it’s still night time). It’s possible that rooms will be hosted by different folks on different nights. See the new Private Showcase program for complete listings.
Hosts may have their own rules in addition to this but here are a few reminders.
- Watch your volume: We certainly want you to be enthusiastic but remember that there are performers right next door and we want everyone to have the best opportunity to be heard.
- Watch your time: This may seem obvious but please arrive on time, end on time and get out of the way for the next performer. We ask that you do your pre- and post-set networking and socializing as quietly as possible or better yet, out in the lobby.
- Plan ahead: Prepare your set in advance and time it so you know how long it will take and then pad it for talking or tuning.
Hosts are responsible for the condition of their rooms. Snacks and beverages are allowed; however, if you partake in a room’s offerings, not only do we expect you to clean up after yourself, we trust you’ll stay for at least one showcase!
Sorry but while we know some folks are able to keep the volume down, it’s a can of worms we don’t want to open. This is an all acoustic performance. Please plan accordingly.
ADVERTISE YOUR SHOWCASE! We encourage you to spread the word about your showcases. It’s appropriate to make small handouts with your showcase schedule but don’t make so many that you waste a lot of paper. Get creative!!
This is primarily for audience members but we hope our performers will have fun as well! We trust you’ll have a hard time deciding where to go, but make sure you schedule in some acts you’ve never heard before. Discovery is the best part of any conference!
Important Info for Hosts
- The fee for hosting a Private Showcase is $75 per night.
- Once you have been confirmed as a host, you will pay your Private Showcase hosting fee via PayPal: https://paypal.me/
midwestfolk. This fee must be paid by July 30. - All Private Showcases are held in large conference rooms. This allows performers and attendees a more open space to enjoy the showcases and a better opportunity to protect their health.
- Please note that FARM WILL NOT be providing hosts with rooms where they can sleep. Hosts need to lodge in a hotel room separate from their Private Showcase room. Hosts also need to plan for any storage needs. Private Showcase rooms will be made available to hosts at dinnertime on the day of their showcases. Rooms must be cleaned up following each night’s performances to allow for other activities in those rooms during the daytime.
- Each showcase room will have plenty of chairs.
- Private Showcases begin at 10:30 PM and end at 2:30 AM on Thursday, Friday & Saturday nights. You are free to start later or end earlier within this timeframe.
- Absolutely NO amplification will be allowed, and all rooms must be quiet after 2:30 AM.
- Full conference registration is required for ALL performers, hosts, and host helpers.
- Some Private Showcase hosts may choose to charge the showcasing artists a small fee to help offset the cost of their room, refreshments, and advertising. This option is at the discretion of each individual host. Set times and number of performers “in the round” per set is also at the discretion of each host.
- Three Showcase Limit: Our goal is to make sure everyone who wants to perform has at least one opportunity. To that end, we ask artists to limit themselves to no more than 3 showcases (this includes Official Showcases, DJ Showcases, and all Private Showcases; however, it does not include Performance Lane). We also expect Private Showcase hosts to ask each performer whether they have already booked three showcases and not book performers who reached the limit of three.
- FARM will once again host a First Timers Room, free of charge to musicians. A performance in this room DOES count towards the 3 showcase limit.
We need your final lineup by August 12. You will be provided with a template since we need the information in a very specific format.
How to Solicit Private Showcase MUSICIANS or HOSTS
Private Showcase Host contact information will be posted here starting in August.
Click HERE for info on how to join our listserve, which is the primary communications tool for soliciting gigs in private showcases. And while you’re on that page, signup for the newsletter email list (if you haven’t already). The newsletter will keep you very informed regarding the conference and all FARM activities.
Once you are signed up for the listserve and hosts are announced on August 15, performers and hosts can send emails to everyone else on the list serve, stating your interest in performing in a private showcase room.
Performers may also contact the hosts directly by email once the host emails have been announced (August 15).
Some Private Showcase Hosts may choose to charge the showcasing artists a small fee to help offset the cost of their room, refreshments and advertising. This is optional and at the discretion of each individual host.
ABSOLUTELY NO guerrilla or any other type of in-room showcasing will be allowed in any other rooms or at any other times.
NOTE: Three Showcase Limit
It is always the goal at FARM to make sure everyone who wants to perform has at least one opportunity to do so. To that end, and to avoid over-booking the same artist, we are asking artists to limit themselves to 3 showcases (this includes Official Showcase, DJ Showcase, and all Private Showcases; however it does not include Performance Lane.) We expect that when booking, Private Showcase hosts will ask each performer if they have already booked 3 showcases and not book them if
they have; and we expect performers to be aware of the number of showcases they have booked and not seek further bookings once they have three.
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