We are gradually getting to the end of our post-conference wrap-up and we know you’ve been anxiously awaiting those workshop videos! For those who aren’t aware, we recorded nearly all of our workshops and panels for the first time this year with plans to make them available to all attendees through the Whova app (or via a private Youtube link by request). This is a new value-added service that we hope to continue offering but keep in mind the videos were filmed by volunteers on borrowed cameras. The audio isn’t perfect but, with a few exceptions, you can hear the speaker clearly. (We regret that some camera issues kept us from capturing a couple of the workshops and a couple of others were incomplete. To those presenters, we sincerely apologize).
Nevertheless, the ability to watch or revisit the workshops, to catch most of what you may have missed is being offered FREE to ALL attendees. Just log in to the app and navigate to the agenda. You should see a video link associated with most of the workshops, presentations, and special events. If you attended the conference, but did not use the app, or prefer to watch directly on Youtube, please complete this form.
We did NOT record any of the unofficial showcases and we do not offer the official showcase videos for free. Those high-quality, professionally captured videos are available to purchase through the website for a small fee. Providing those videos comes at an expense to FARM and your small donation helps us to offset some of that expense.
Buttons below in case you missed the above links!