Workshops & Panels
Below is our 2023 Workshop Listing.
We’re currently working on planning the workshops for our 2024 Gathering. If you have topics you would like to see discussed at this year’s conference or have knowledge you want to share, please submit your ideas here!
THURSDAY | 3:00p – 4:15p
How to Get the Most Out of FARM
Presenters: Lee Herman, Charlie Mosbrook
Do you have questions about what to expect at FARM and what you will get out of the conference? Join first-timers and experienced attendees to FARM for tips and tricks to get the most out of your conference experience from our panel of FARM and Folk Alliance veterans. We’ll talk interactively about how to connect with people, what you can expect to take away from the conference, taking care of yourself, specific tips for during and after the conference, and other questions you ask in the session.
Negotiating a Fair Deal
Presenter: Mike Green
The best gig is a fair deal that everyone feels good about. Experienced booking agent Mike Green leads a discussion about finding the fairest and clearest way of negotiating so everyone comes out of it feeling good and has reasonable expectations.
Songwriting, Band-Fighting & Spotlighting
Presenters: Sons of the Never Wrong
Sons of the Never Wrong, one of Chicago’s most prolific and long-lasting folk trios, offers up this interactive peek into varied songwriting constructs and band dynamics. Band members offer up specific insights and notes that inform their personal & group craft. Topics include co-writing, co-arranging, co-recording, co-operating performances, and navigating… even embracing disagreements. Interactive Q & A to follow. A hilarious & helpful workshop about making art & staying together despite our human nature.
FRIDAY | 10:45a – 2:15p
Building Community Online
Presenters: Annie Capps, Sarah Morris, Bruce Swan, Anthony Ihrig
Musicians and radio hosts talk about innovative ways they’re engaging artists and music lovers online — from songwriting groups to interactive listening parties to livestream concerts and workshops.
Making Venues Accessible
Presenters: Naomi Soule, Charlie Mosbrook, Kristen Lee, Melissa Dagenhart
A frank discussion about ways to make venues and events more accessible to all abilities and ages so that more artists and audience members feel welcome.
Keeping Festivals Sustainable
Festival organizers talk about how their work has changed over the years and the ways they have adapted to stay relevant and sustainable for future generations.
Folk DJ (only) Peer Group
DJs meet to discuss current issues and share resources.
Parent & Caregiver Peer Group
A peer group gathering for artists who are also parents and caregivers, to connect and discuss the specific challenges they face in the music industry and also talk about ways to make the industry more accommodating.
House Concert Etiquette
Presenter: Louise Baker
Whether you are the host, the artist or the audience member there is etiquette that should be practiced by all to ensure a great show and a return engagement.
Touring & Releasing an Album Overseas
Presenters: Claudia Nygaard, Leslie Rich
Experienced touring and international artists talk about the nuts and bolts of releasing an album and touring beyond internationally.
SATURDAY | 11:00a – 12:45p
Managing Your Social Media Presence
Presenter: Vania Kinard
How to best reflect your artistic self while navigating politics and professional relationships.
Back Catalog Listening Party Taping
Presenter: Mother Banjo, Anthony Ihrig
Join Mother Banjo & Anthony Ihrig (The High 48s) as they host a live taping of their interactive Back Catalog Listening Party podcast with Davie LaMotte, who will revisit one of his older records and answer your questions. Take a break from the business of music and enjoy listening to music and talking about the writing and recording process!
Storytelling: How to Engage Your Audience
Presenter: Scott Whitehair, Sue Fink
Experienced storyteller and teacher Scott Whitehair and artist Sue Fink talk about the art of engaging an audience.
Getting Radio Airplay
Presenter: Sue Kessell
DJs answer artists questions of how to get their songs played on the radio.
SUNDAY | 10:30a – 1:00p
Managing Your Social Media Presence
Presenter: Claudia Nygaard
An open discussion about what creatives can do to protect their work from being used, copied or distorted by artificial intelligence.
Making Old New
Presenter: Robbie Fulks
Award-winning songwriters and music historians Dom Flemons and Robbie Fulks share old tunes and talk about introducing them to new audiences.
2023 Schedule
12:00P -9:00P | Registration | The Arbor
3:00p – 4:15p | Workshops & Panels | Aspen, Redwood, Cypress & Pine
4:30p – 6:00p | Welcome Reception | Atrium
6:00p – 7:30p | Open Mic | Majestic Ballroom
8:00p – 10:30p | Folk DJ Showcase | Majestic Ballroom
11:00p – 2:30a | Private Showcases | Conference Rooms
9:00a – 9:00p | Registration | The Arbor
8:30a – 10:30a | Breakfast Buffet | Regency Ballroom
10:45a – 12:00p | Workshops & Panels | Aspen, Redwood, Cypress & Pine
11:00a – 12:00p | Speed Mentoring Sessions | Regency Ballroom
Sign up for speed mentoring sessions at 8:30 am at info table.
12:00p – 1:00p | Open Mic | Majestic Ballroom
1:00p – 2:15p | Workshops & Panels | Aspen, Redwood, Cypress & Pine
2:30p – 3:45p | Wisdom Across the Ages | Majestic Ballroom
4:00p – 5:30p | Performance Lane | Aspen, Redwood & Cypress
5:30p – 6:45p | Buffet Dinner | Regency Ballroom
7:00p – 8:00p | Awards Presentation | Majestic Ballroom
8:00p – 10:00p | Official Showcases | Majestic Ballroom
10:30p – 2:30a | Private Showcases | Conference Rooms
9:00a – 9:00p | Registration | The Arbor
8:30a – 10:30a | Breakfast Buffet | Regency Ballroom
10:00a – 10:45a | FARM Annual Meeting | Majestic Ballroom
11:00a – 12:00p | Speed Mentoring Sessions | Regency Ballroom
Sign up for speed mentoring sessions at 8:30 am at info table.
11:00a – 12:45p | Workshops & Panels | Aspen, Redwood, Cypress & Pine
1:00p – 2:15p | Workshops & Panels | Aspen, Redwood, Cypress & Pine
2:30p – 4:00p | Folk DJ Meet & Greet | The Atrium/Regency Ballroom
4:00p – 5:30p | Performance Lane | Aspen, Redwood & Cypress
5:30p – 6:45p | Buffet Dinner | Regency Ballroom
7:00p – 7:45p | Keynote Address by Dom Flemons | Majestic Ballroom
8:00p – 10:00p | Official Showcases | Majestic Ballroom
10:30p – 2:30a | Private Showcases | Conference Rooms
9:00a – 11:00a | Breakfast Buffet | Regency Ballroom
10:30a – 12:15p | Workshops & Panels | Aspen, Redwood, Cypress & Pine
1:00 p – 2:00p | Farewell Community Sing | Pine
Every year we work hard behind the scenes to bring you a diverse line-up of workshops and panels, with a host of experts from our own community who can address current technology, the changing face of the independent music business, as well as performance and instrument techniques.
At FARM we think the workshops are a key part of an educational, fun, and worthwhile conference and we are always on the lookout for new and exciting ideas.
Workshops take place on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
2022 Workshop Submissions are closed
Every year we work hard behind the scenes to bring you a diverse line-up of workshops and panels, with a host of experts from our own community who can address current technology, the changing face of the independent music business, as well as performance and instrument techniques.
At FARM we think the workshops are a key part of an educational, fun, and worthwhile conference and we are always on the lookout for new and exciting ideas.
Workshops take place on Friday and Saturday afternoons.
Our workshop coordinator this year is once again, Charlie Mosbrook.
Do you have a suggestion for a Workshop you’d like to see us include and/or Present? Please use the submission form below.